19 October, 2010

Practicing Tonight

Practicing.  It sounds so intrinsically boring to me.  It also sounds like it has cousins who study law for a living.  "I can't, I'm practicing." "I need to improve my practicing." "Too much/not enough practicing lately." "I'll call you when I'm done pr...."  On and on.  I used to be inspired by various people I knew who practiced insatiably.  Now I raise my eyebrows flood my mind with cynicism...here's how my practice session went today:

9am -- sleep in, I'll practice later

11am -- house is quite clean, ready for a nice day, read amusing New Yorker article on crazy Republicans

1pm -- go have lunch with composer and discuss orchestrations of piano music

4pm -- hang out with a friend, his new X-box, and a few thousand zombies

5pm -- dim sum

8pm -- give visiting family members a tour of the conservatory

9pm -- watch half of Ocean's 11

11pm -- practice

1am -- call father and listen to benevolent rant against the VA, Bush, Iraq, prescription meds, and PSD.

...About that, I feel 11pm needs some more detail.  Hindemith Viola Sonata op. 11 no. 4 was the first thing on the menu.  It being in F (a HORRIBLE key in my opinion, expect a hateful rant against it soon), I do a quick warm-up of various scale degrees of the F-gender in relatively perfect intervals.  Warm-up done, lesson in two days.  Piece is two pages, so why not start at the end?

There seem to be a lot of soupy runs that require some Typing Tutor attention.  See a note, plunk down a finger.  Slowly, at first, don't make music, just type.  Teach the left hand what to do.  Half an hour later, all the runs in the movement no longer sound quite like their namesake.  There are some pretty melodies in here...they can wait till tomorrow.  Tendinitis is much worse than an angry viola teacher, and I'm hungry.  Apples + nutella, then a few play-throughs of the movement to make sure things stuck.  Back at it tomorrow after Mexican food and Ocean's 11.5

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